Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Raise your beard card.

So I was daydreaming in class the other day and then I was rudely awakened by the teacher slightly changing his tone of voice (it was still just as monotone, just about half a step higher). So I jolted awake, and the only thing I remembered from my quick mental trip to the great wide world of dreams was the phrase, "raise your beard card." Yeah, I wish I could remember the daydream too. I'm sure it was a good one.
Anyway, so in my half-waking state, I thought that phrase was brilliant, so I wrote it down. When I looked at it in my notes later, I just shook my head. But then it got me thinking.
I like beards.
Why do I go to BYU? Well it's definitely not because of all the good beards on campus.
There are no good beards on campus. In fact, there are no beards on campus PERIOD. Except for the few and the proud who are in possession of the coveted beard card.
What is a beard card, you might ask? Don't get excited, it's not as cool as it sounds. A beard card is a card that gives men permission to have a beard on campus. Because, you see, beards are forbidden. Why are they forbidden? This is a wonderful question. One to which I have no answer. I see nothing wrong with a well-trimmed, good-looking beard.
I love good beards. Not all beards, because there are definitely gross beards in the world. But I love good ones.
So, raise your beard card.


  1. Facial Hair scares me greatly. I'm glad beards aren't allowed on campus. I wish they where prohibited in middle school too. :) Beards on 14 year old aren't good. seriously.

  2. I did... once. I will again if my wife has anything to say about it.

  3. You should tell your grandparents about your love of beards. They were not very happy with me when Nate had one. I wish he'd grow one again.

  4. I have to know how you get a beard card on BYU campus. Please tell me the next time we speak. Don't let me forget.

  5. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=19139849

    This article is totally for you, Jennie. Check it out!


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